Perl modules and CGI scripts

The following are some modules and CGIs I wrote for various projects, that think will be useful for others. The documentation is attrocious, and the spelling is very bad. None of the scripts come with configuration utilities, so you'll have to figure them out by yourself. Some day I'll get around to making them presentable.

I've also included some stuff I've adapted to Perl-Win32.

--Philip Gwyn

Completed and available: Win32::ODBC::Ext
Adapted for Perl-Win32: libwww-perl-0.40

Other interesting Perl for Win32 stuff and further links are available at Aldo Calpini's terific site.


Calculate GST, PST and HST sales taxes, based on province of business operation and province of sale. This should prolly go into Tax::Sales::Canada or something, but what the hey.

TaxCanada-0.01.tar.gz 3.7k


A simple extention to the Win32::ODBC module to allow modification of the data and some more conginial searching functions.

ODBCExt.tar.gz 9k

Perl-Win32 binaries

Here's are some binary distributions for Perl-Win32-i386. They should work with build 305, maybe 30[0123] but NOT with the accursed 304. 45k CPAN 215k CPAN


No, I didn't write this. It's a quick hack so that this cool module works with Perl-Win32. Your milleage will vary. No guaranties at all. 90k

Don't forget that libwww-perl-5.07.tar.gz is now out. Here's a patch for Perl-Win32 I got from somewhere.

"What's all this blank space" you ask? I put this here so that theinternal links in this page actualy jump to the right place, instead of only going as far down as possible. -:)